use core::fmt::Display;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::mem;
use num_traits::NumCast;
use paste::paste;
use vortex_dtype::half::f16;
use vortex_dtype::{NativePType, PType};
use vortex_error::{vortex_err, VortexError, VortexExpect};
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum PValue {
impl PartialEq for PValue {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(Self::U8(s), o) => o.as_u64().vortex_expect("upcast") == *s as u64,
(Self::U16(s), o) => o.as_u64().vortex_expect("upcast") == *s as u64,
(Self::U32(s), o) => o.as_u64().vortex_expect("upcast") == *s as u64,
(Self::U64(s), o) => o.as_u64().vortex_expect("upcast") == *s,
(Self::I8(s), o) => o.as_i64().vortex_expect("upcast") == *s as i64,
(Self::I16(s), o) => o.as_i64().vortex_expect("upcast") == *s as i64,
(Self::I32(s), o) => o.as_i64().vortex_expect("upcast") == *s as i64,
(Self::I64(s), o) => o.as_i64().vortex_expect("upcast") == *s,
(Self::F16(s), Self::F16(o)) => s.is_eq(*o),
(Self::F32(s), Self::F32(o)) => s.is_eq(*o),
(Self::F64(s), Self::F64(o)) => s.is_eq(*o),
(..) => false,
impl PartialOrd for PValue {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
match (self, other) {
(Self::U8(s), o) => Some((*s as u64).cmp(&o.as_u64().vortex_expect("upcast"))),
(Self::U16(s), o) => Some((*s as u64).cmp(&o.as_u64().vortex_expect("upcast"))),
(Self::U32(s), o) => Some((*s as u64).cmp(&o.as_u64().vortex_expect("upcast"))),
(Self::U64(s), o) => Some((*s).cmp(&o.as_u64().vortex_expect("upcast"))),
(Self::I8(s), o) => Some((*s as i64).cmp(&o.as_i64().vortex_expect("upcast"))),
(Self::I16(s), o) => Some((*s as i64).cmp(&o.as_i64().vortex_expect("upcast"))),
(Self::I32(s), o) => Some((*s as i64).cmp(&o.as_i64().vortex_expect("upcast"))),
(Self::I64(s), o) => Some((*s).cmp(&o.as_i64().vortex_expect("upcast"))),
(Self::F16(s), Self::F16(o)) => Some(s.total_compare(*o)),
(Self::F32(s), Self::F32(o)) => Some(s.total_compare(*o)),
(Self::F64(s), Self::F64(o)) => Some(s.total_compare(*o)),
(..) => None,
macro_rules! as_primitive {
($T:ty, $PT:tt) => {
paste! {
#[doc = "Access PValue as `" $T "`, returning `None` if conversion is unsuccessful"]
pub fn [<as_ $T>](self) -> Option<$T> {
match self {
PValue::U8(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
PValue::U16(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
PValue::U32(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
PValue::U64(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
PValue::I8(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
PValue::I16(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
PValue::I32(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
PValue::I64(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
PValue::F16(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
PValue::F32(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
PValue::F64(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
impl PValue {
pub fn ptype(&self) -> PType {
match self {
Self::U8(_) => PType::U8,
Self::U16(_) => PType::U16,
Self::U32(_) => PType::U32,
Self::U64(_) => PType::U64,
Self::I8(_) => PType::I8,
Self::I16(_) => PType::I16,
Self::I32(_) => PType::I32,
Self::I64(_) => PType::I64,
Self::F16(_) => PType::F16,
Self::F32(_) => PType::F32,
Self::F64(_) => PType::F64,
pub fn is_instance_of(&self, ptype: &PType) -> bool {
&self.ptype() == ptype
pub fn as_primitive<T: NativePType + TryFrom<PValue, Error = VortexError>>(
) -> Result<T, VortexError> {
#[allow(clippy::transmute_int_to_float, clippy::transmute_float_to_int)]
pub fn reinterpret_cast(&self, ptype: PType) -> Self {
if ptype == self.ptype() {
return *self;
"Cannot reinterpret cast between types of different widths"
match self {
PValue::U8(v) => unsafe { mem::transmute::<u8, i8>(*v) }.into(),
PValue::U16(v) => match ptype {
PType::I16 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<u16, i16>(*v) }.into(),
PType::F16 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<u16, f16>(*v) }.into(),
_ => unreachable!("Only same width type are allowed to be reinterpreted"),
PValue::U32(v) => match ptype {
PType::I32 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<u32, i32>(*v) }.into(),
PType::F32 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<u32, f32>(*v) }.into(),
_ => unreachable!("Only same width type are allowed to be reinterpreted"),
PValue::U64(v) => match ptype {
PType::I64 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<u64, i64>(*v) }.into(),
PType::F64 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<u64, f64>(*v) }.into(),
_ => unreachable!("Only same width type are allowed to be reinterpreted"),
PValue::I8(v) => unsafe { mem::transmute::<i8, u8>(*v) }.into(),
PValue::I16(v) => match ptype {
PType::U16 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<i16, u16>(*v) }.into(),
PType::F16 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<i16, f16>(*v) }.into(),
_ => unreachable!("Only same width type are allowed to be reinterpreted"),
PValue::I32(v) => match ptype {
PType::U32 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<i32, u32>(*v) }.into(),
PType::F32 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<i32, f32>(*v) }.into(),
_ => unreachable!("Only same width type are allowed to be reinterpreted"),
PValue::I64(v) => match ptype {
PType::U64 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<i64, u64>(*v) }.into(),
PType::F64 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<i64, f64>(*v) }.into(),
_ => unreachable!("Only same width type are allowed to be reinterpreted"),
PValue::F16(v) => match ptype {
PType::U16 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<f16, u16>(*v) }.into(),
PType::I16 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<f16, i16>(*v) }.into(),
_ => unreachable!("Only same width type are allowed to be reinterpreted"),
PValue::F32(v) => match ptype {
PType::U32 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<f32, u32>(*v) }.into(),
PType::I32 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<f32, i32>(*v) }.into(),
_ => unreachable!("Only same width type are allowed to be reinterpreted"),
PValue::F64(v) => match ptype {
PType::U64 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<f64, u64>(*v) }.into(),
PType::I64 => unsafe { mem::transmute::<f64, i64>(*v) }.into(),
_ => unreachable!("Only same width type are allowed to be reinterpreted"),
as_primitive!(i8, I8);
as_primitive!(i16, I16);
as_primitive!(i32, I32);
as_primitive!(i64, I64);
as_primitive!(u8, U8);
as_primitive!(u16, U16);
as_primitive!(u32, U32);
as_primitive!(u64, U64);
as_primitive!(f16, F16);
as_primitive!(f32, F32);
as_primitive!(f64, F64);
macro_rules! int_pvalue {
($T:ty, $PT:tt) => {
impl TryFrom<PValue> for $T {
type Error = VortexError;
fn try_from(value: PValue) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value {
PValue::U8(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
PValue::U16(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
PValue::U32(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
PValue::U64(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
PValue::I8(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
PValue::I16(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
PValue::I32(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
PValue::I64(v) => <$T as NumCast>::from(v),
_ => None,
.ok_or_else(|| {
vortex_err!("Cannot read primitive value {:?} as {}", value, PType::$PT)
int_pvalue!(u8, U8);
int_pvalue!(u16, U16);
int_pvalue!(u32, U32);
int_pvalue!(u64, U64);
int_pvalue!(usize, U64);
int_pvalue!(i8, I8);
int_pvalue!(i16, I16);
int_pvalue!(i32, I32);
int_pvalue!(i64, I64);
macro_rules! float_pvalue {
($T:ty, $PT:tt) => {
impl TryFrom<PValue> for $T {
type Error = VortexError;
fn try_from(value: PValue) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value {
PValue::F16(f) => <$T as NumCast>::from(f),
PValue::F32(f) => <$T as NumCast>::from(f),
PValue::F64(f) => <$T as NumCast>::from(f),
_ => None,
.ok_or_else(|| {
vortex_err!("Cannot read primitive value {:?} as {}", value, PType::$PT)
float_pvalue!(f32, F32);
float_pvalue!(f64, F64);
impl TryFrom<PValue> for f16 {
type Error = VortexError;
fn try_from(value: PValue) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value {
PValue::U16(u) => Some(Self::from_bits(u)),
PValue::F16(u) => Some(u),
PValue::F32(f) => <Self as NumCast>::from(f),
PValue::F64(f) => <Self as NumCast>::from(f),
_ => None,
.ok_or_else(|| vortex_err!("Cannot read primitive value {:?} as {}", value, PType::F16))
macro_rules! impl_pvalue {
($T:ty, $PT:tt) => {
impl From<$T> for PValue {
fn from(value: $T) -> Self {
impl_pvalue!(u8, U8);
impl_pvalue!(u16, U16);
impl_pvalue!(u32, U32);
impl_pvalue!(u64, U64);
impl_pvalue!(i8, I8);
impl_pvalue!(i16, I16);
impl_pvalue!(i32, I32);
impl_pvalue!(i64, I64);
impl_pvalue!(f16, F16);
impl_pvalue!(f32, F32);
impl_pvalue!(f64, F64);
impl From<usize> for PValue {
fn from(value: usize) -> PValue {
PValue::U64(value as u64)
impl Display for PValue {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::U8(v) => write!(f, "{}_u8", v),
Self::U16(v) => write!(f, "{}_u16", v),
Self::U32(v) => write!(f, "{}_u32", v),
Self::U64(v) => write!(f, "{}_u64", v),
Self::I8(v) => write!(f, "{}_i8", v),
Self::I16(v) => write!(f, "{}_i16", v),
Self::I32(v) => write!(f, "{}_i32", v),
Self::I64(v) => write!(f, "{}_i64", v),
Self::F16(v) => write!(f, "{}_f16", v),
Self::F32(v) => write!(f, "{}_f32", v),
Self::F64(v) => write!(f, "{}_f64", v),
mod test {
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use vortex_dtype::half::f16;
use vortex_dtype::PType;
use crate::PValue;
pub fn test_is_instance_of() {
fn test_compare_different_types() {