

See the Vortex Rust documentation, for details on Vortex in Rust.


Construct a Vortex array from lists of simple Python values:

>>> import vortex
>>> vtx = vortex.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> vtx.dtype
int(64, False)

Python’s None represents a missing or null value and changes the dtype of the array from non-nullable 64-bit integers to nullable 64-bit integers:

>>> vtx = vortex.array([1, 2, None, 4])
>>> vtx.dtype
int(64, True)

A list of dict is converted to an array of structures. Missing values may appear at any level:

>>> vtx = vortex.array([
...     {'name': 'Joseph', 'age': 25},
...     {'name': None, 'age': 31},
...     {'name': 'Angela', 'age': None},
...     {'name': 'Mikhail', 'age': 57},
...     {'name': None, 'age': None},
...     None,
... ])
>>> vtx.dtype
struct({"age": int(64, True), "name": utf8(True)}, True)

Array.to_pylist() converts a Vortex array into a list of Python values.

>>> vtx.to_pylist()
[{'age': 25, 'name': 'Joseph'}, {'age': 31, 'name': None}, {'age': None, 'name': 'Angela'}, {'age': 57, 'name': 'Mikhail'}, {'age': None, 'name': None}, {'age': None, 'name': None}]


The array() function constructs a Vortex array from an Arrow one without any copies:

>>> import pyarrow as pa
>>> arrow = pa.array([1, 2, None, 3])
>>> arrow.type
>>> vtx = vortex.array(arrow)
>>> vtx.dtype
int(64, True)

Array.to_arrow_array() converts back to an Arrow array:

>>> vtx.to_arrow_array()
<pyarrow.lib.Int64Array object at ...>

If you have a struct array, use Array.to_arrow_table() to construct an Arrow table:

>>> struct_vtx = vortex.array([
...     {'name': 'Joseph', 'age': 25},
...     {'name': 'Narendra', 'age': 31},
...     {'name': 'Angela', 'age': 33},
...     {'name': 'Mikhail', 'age': 57},
... ])
>>> struct_vtx.to_arrow_table()
age: int64
name: string_view
age: [[25,31,33,57]]
name: [["Joseph","Narendra","Angela","Mikhail"]]


Array.to_pandas_df() converts a Vortex array into a Pandas DataFrame:

>>> df = struct_vtx.to_pandas_df()
>>> df
   age      name
0   25    Joseph
1   31  Narendra
2   33    Angela
3   57   Mikhail

array() converts from a Pandas DataFrame into a Vortex array:

>>> vortex.array(df).to_arrow_table()
age: int64
name: string_view
age: [[25,31,33,57]]
name: [["Joseph","Narendra","Angela","Mikhail"]]

Query Engines#

VortexDataset implements the pyarrow.dataset.Dataset API which enables many Python-based query engines to pushdown row filters and column projections on Vortex files. All the query engine examples use the same Vortex file:

>>> import vortex
>>> import pyarrow.parquet as pq
>>> vtx = vortex.array(pq.read_table("_static/example.parquet"))
>>>, 'example.vortex')
>>> ds = vortex.dataset.from_path(
...     'example.vortex'
... )


>>> import polars as pl
>>> lf = pl.scan_pyarrow_dataset(ds)
>>> lf ='tip_amount', 'fare_amount')
>>> lf = lf.head(3)
>>> lf.collect()
shape: (3, 2)
│ tip_amount ┆ fare_amount │
│ ---        ┆ ---         │
│ f64        ┆ f64         │
│ 0.0        ┆ 61.8        │
│ 5.1        ┆ 20.5        │
│ 16.54      ┆ 70.0        │


>>> import duckdb
>>> duckdb.sql('select ds.tip_amount, ds.fare_amount from ds limit 3').show()
│ tip_amount │ fare_amount │
│   double   │   double    │
│        0.0 │        61.8 │
│        5.1 │        20.5 │
│      16.54 │        70.0 │